What we do
Nordic Energy Research is the platform for cooperative energy research and policy development under the auspices of the Nordic Council of Ministers. We have a staff of 19 and are based in Oslo together with our sister organisations Nordforsk and Nordic Innovation.
Nordic cooperation in energy research started 1975, leading to common pot research funding since 1985 and the establishment of Nordic Energy Research as an institution under the Nordic Council of Ministers in 1999. The Board comprises representatives from the authorities and ministries responsible for energy research funding in the five Nordic countries, who contribute the majority of the organization’s funding.
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We fund R&D to promote a sustainable future
The Nordic region has ambitious goals to reduce carbon emissions and its dependence of fossil fuels, and at the same time create new growth industries based on green technology. Nordic Energy Research funds research of joint Nordic interest that supports these ambitions by expanding knowledge on sustainable energy and contributing to the development of new, competitive energy solutions.
We contribute to policymaking
Nordic Energy Research has a unique strength in that our governance structure is closely connected to both the national political systems of the five Nordic countries as well as the intergovernmental Nordic system. Our board and other committees and project steering groups consist not only of representatives from national funding agencies, but also from national energy authorities, ministries and the Nordic Council of Ministers secretariat. This creates a constant interaction between research strategies, results and key issues on the political agenda. We manage a number of projects and facilitate Ministerial working groups that provide input to energy technology policymaking in the Nordic region.
Policies and guidelines
Read Nordic Energy Research’s Data Protection Policy
Read Nordic Energy Research’s Guidelines on Impartiality
Read Nordic Energy Research’s Gender Policy
Read Nordic Energy Research’s Privacy Policy
Organisation Number: 984 809 255