Bioenergy sustainability policy
What are the implications of the new renewable energy directive (RED II) for the Nordic countries? In 2017 The Working Group for Renewable Energy (AGFE) are performing a Nordic analysis…
What are the implications of the new renewable energy directive (RED II) for the Nordic countries? In 2017 The Working Group for Renewable Energy (AGFE) are performing a Nordic analysis of the proposed EU policy. The study is funded by the Nordic Committee of Senior Officials for Energy Policy (EK-E). Pöyry Management Consulting Oy are contracted to collect data and do the analysis.
The European Commission has put forward a proposal for a new renewable energy directive for the period 2021-2030. The proposal includes sustainability criteria for all types bioenergy regardless of end use.
The purpose of the project is to provide analyses of some key components in the proposed EU policy for bioenergy sustainability (30 Nov. 2016) to facilitate national processes and a mutual understanding of the consequences of the proposed policy to Nordic countries.
The study will explore the implications of the proposed EU sustainability policy in the Nordic countries in order to facilitate national and EU processes.
The study will focus on forest based feedstock and can evaluate the implications of the policy on issues, such as domestic feedstock, availability and international trade of feedstock, administrative costs for different actors in the value chain, resource efficiency, and mapping of how the Nordic countries assess policy design and effectiveness in terms of EU sustainability criteria.
The study will run in parallel with the ongoing development of the national policy instruments. Two workshops with policy and industry stakeholders will be arranged, to share input and discuss policy implications. A final report will be published by the end of the year.
Nordic Energy Research: Torill Meistad, torill.meistad@nordicenergy.org
Chairwomen AGFE: Eva Centeno López, eva.centeno-lopez@regeringskansliet.se
Pöyry Management Consulting Oy: Terttu-Leea Saarenpää, terttu-leea.saarenpaa@poyry.com