CIRCit – Circular Economy Integration in the Nordic Industry for Enhanced Sustainability and Competitiveness
This is one 6 projects supported by the Nordic Green Growth Research and Innovation Programme
CIRCit – Circular Economy Integration in the Nordic Industry for Enhanced Sustainability and Competitiveness
Exploring the Nordic circular economy potential.
Circular economy (CE) is a promising approach towards maximising value by increasing resource productivity, enhancing energy efficiency, lowering resource consumption and decreasing waste. By transitioning to CE, Nordic industry as a whole can pave the way for modern sustainability thinking and establish itself as benchmark in the field, whilst also enhancing its position in the highly competitive international market.
The CIRCit research project will develop science-based tools and approaches, in close collaboration with companies, with the aim of enabling Nordic industry to:
1. Understand the overall potential for CE implementation.
2. Investigate and conceptualise circular business models.
3. Develop circular products, services and solutions, based on multiple life cycles and energy efficiency.
4. Support the operation of circular products, services and solutions by introducing intelligent assets.
5. Close the loop of materials through remanufacturing, recycling and reuse.
The tools and approaches developed in CIRCit will be broadly disseminated within the Nordic industry to maximise impact and uptake. CIRCit will contribute to increased efficiency of production and a more effective use of natural resources and energy, leading to increased competitiveness, growth and job creation.
Project partners:
* Project lead: Tim C. McAloone, Technical University of Denmark (DTU) Denmark
* Anna-Karin Jörnbrink, Swerea, Sweden
* Pekka Abrahamson, NTNU, Norway
* Sigurdur Kridtjansdottir, Innovation Center Iceland, Iceland
* Carina Wiik, Federation of Technology Industries in Finland, Finland