Not only ex-colleagues, but also friends
Senior Adviser Sofia Elamson had her last day at Nordic Energy Research on Friday, September 9th. During her five years at the office, Sofia has been a brilliant contribution personally…
Senior Adviser Sofia Elamson had her last day at Nordic Energy Research on Friday, September 9th. During her five years at the office, Sofia has been a brilliant contribution personally as well as professionally and will be missed by all her now ex-colleagues.

“I am lucky to have been working with such great people of whom so many are not only ex-colleagues but also friends,” Sofia says. “And on a professional level, my job at Nordic Energy Research has provided me with extensive research and innovation administrative skills, especially in call management. Working within the Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe framework has also equipped me with a large international network.”
These skills will come in handy at the University of Oslo, where Sofia is heading next. She was once a student there, but now, she will join the Department of Research and Innovation Administration, Office for Sustainability and International Collaboration.
“I hope to grow and learn in my new role and find new inspiration and motivation among students, researchers and administrators at the university,” says Sofia, and leaves us with the following insight:
“It is possible to eat an elephant if you do it one bite at a time. This has been my mantra during times when my tasks have seemed overwhelming or unsolvable – keep calm and break it down into small manageable goals, and everything is suddenly possible. Thank you for these years and keep up the good spirits!”