Call for proposals: Planning grants within energy research 2019
Nordic Energy Research is issuing a call for proposals for planning grants within energy research. We are seeking innovative, high quality, cross-disciplinary pre-proposals on relevant topics corresponding to existing international…
Nordic Energy Research is issuing a call for proposals for planning grants within energy research. We are seeking innovative, high quality, cross-disciplinary pre-proposals on relevant topics corresponding to existing international calls on themes relating to renewable energy, energy systems, sustainable energy transition and similar energy-related topics.
Each pre-proposal may apply for a planning grant of NOK 50 000 maximum. Incoming applications will be assessed continuously, and successful pre-proposals will receive funding shortly after they have been approved. The call closes when the total available funding has been distributed, or no later than 29 November 2019 14:00 CET.
The call is an extension of Nordic Energy Research’s call for proposals Planning grants within energy research issued in 2018. The planning grant provides an opportunity for Nordic research consortia that are aspiring to apply to international calls within the energy field to receive support in developing those applications. Relevant calls and programmes could for example be Horizon 2020 (e.g. Energy efficiency, Smart and clean energy for consumers) or other initiatives related to the EU (e.g. ERA-Net Smart Energy Systems, SOLAR-ERA.NET).
The call has a total budget of NOK 650 000 and the final deadline for all call for proposals is 29 November 2019.