Nordic Energy Outlooks – Energy Strategy Reviews: The REPowerEU policy’s impact on the Nordic power system
Energy system models provide us with scenarios for the future energy system, supporting our understanding of the impact of societal changes and adopted policies. To front-load the EU ’Fit for 55’ package for 2030 and targets of replacing imported natural gas with renewable electricity, the Nordic countries could contribute by exporting additional electricity to mainland Europe. This paper describes a comparative study including five energy system models: GENeSYS-MOD, ON-TIMES, IFE-TIMES-Norway, highRES, and IntERACT, exploring two decarbonisation scenarios leading up to 2050.
The different scenarios simulated led to several key findings:
- Energy system models increase our understanding of the energy system transformation
- Simulation results show the feasibility of additional Nordic power exports
- Denmark and Norway will be net exporters of power in 2050
- Wind power production is important for additional power export
- The additional power exports can reduce national power demand
This work was supported through the Nordic Energy Outlooks Programme, which is funded by Nordic Energy Research together with the Research Council of Norway, the Danish Energy Agency, and the Swedish Energy Agency.
The article is published in Volume 54 of July 2024 in the journal Energy Strategy Reviews.