On August 17th at 10.30–11.30 (CEST), Adviser Marton Leander Vølstad is participating as a panelist at the event Havet – må vi velge mellom beskyttelse eller benyttelse? (“The ocean – do we have to choose between protection or usage?”) at Arendal Week. Arendal Week is the largest venue for politics and business in Norway, that aims at strengthening the belief in political empowerment and democracy through open debate and involvement. During this week (August 15th–19th), the city of Arendal will be filled with a variety of interesting and educational exhibitions and events.

Watch highlights from the event here.

We need solutions for extracting energy from renewable sources more than ever before, while it is just as important to manage the pressure this need puts on nature. At the Arendal event, Marton will discuss the trilemma of the climate crisis, energy crisis, and biodiversity crisis. Is it possible to solve these issues at the same time – and how? Do we have to choose and prioritize between the three crises? These questions are to be addressed by Espen Barth Eide, Minister of Climate and Environment, Benedicte Solaas, Manager of Climate and Environment at Offshore Norge, Even Aas, Executive Vice President Communication, Public Affairs and Sustainability at Kongsberg, Asbjørn Torvanger, Senior Research Fellow at CICERO, Paal Frisvold, EU Climate Pact Ambassador, and Gine Wang-Reese, Executive Vice President Public Affairs and Sustainability at DNB.

From left: Moderator André Jamholt, Asbjørn Torvanger, Benedicte Solaas, Even Aas, Gine Wang-Reese, Marton Leander Vølstad, and Paal Frisvold.

Further representation

Marton Leander Vølstad also participated in the Danish equivalent to Arendal Week – Folkemøde on Bornholm – to discuss the prioritization between energy and the climate, or biodiversity on June 18th.

Besides Marton, Nordic Energy Research’s Senior Adviser Kevin Johnsen takes part in the Arendal Week event Energihovedstaden: Framtidens energiforsyning blir hybrid (“The energy capital: The energy supply of the future goes hybrid”) on August 18th. The corresponding event in Sweden – Almedalsveckan in Visby – was attended by Senior Adviser Andrea Stengel on July 3rd. She was panelist at Hållbar energi för alla – hur ska Norden lösa den gröna omställningen? (“Sustainable energy for all – how shall the Nordics solve the green transition?).