Choice of consultant for Co-existence and nature in Nordic offshore wind farms
Nordic Energy Research is pleased to announce that DNV, with NIVA as a subcontractor, has been selected to carry out the study Co-existence and nature in Nordic offshore wind farms…
Nordic Energy Research is pleased to announce that DNV, with NIVA as a subcontractor, has been selected to carry out the study Co-existence and nature in Nordic offshore wind farms, building on DNVs prior work from the report Accommodating biodiversity in Nordic offshore wind projects.

Understanding the new Blue Economy
As the energy transition takes shape, a new Blue Economy is emerging which will lead to an unprecedented race for sea space. In some regions, there will be competing interests from different industries for the same sea areas – the Nordics are no exception. Beyond the need for optimal spatial planning, the impact on marine ecosystems must be carefully managed.
The European Commission anticipates a twenty-fold increase in Europe’s offshore wind capacity to reach climate neutrality by 2050. The Nordic region will be key, since it is estimated that the North Sea can supply around 200 GW by 2050, and the Baltic Sea around 80 GW. To realise this ambition, governments need assistance in issuing licensing and location requirements for new offshore wind farms, via cross-sectoral consultations.
DNV is uniquely equipped to support Nordic Energy Research with this task, as shown by their sectoral and regional forecast of the Blue Economy, Ocean’s future to 2050, and having been involved in the offshore wind industry for more than 30 years. NIVA, Norway’s leading institute for water related issues, is supporting the project on aspects related to nature inclusive design.
“The project will identify recommendations to accommodate co-existence between different industries, stakeholders and nature when developing offshore wind in the Nordics. The recommendations will assist Nordic governments in issuing substantive requirements for licensing. This will be important to ensure efficient processes and sustainable solutions for the industry, society and nature”
Marte Rusten, Principal Consultant Sustainability at DNV and project manager
Facilitating co-existence in the sea space
A series of workshops will gather public officials, wind farm investors, developers and operators, maritime commercial interests, NGOs, civil society, and scientific experts, with a view to determining which tendering instruments and partnerships are needed to facilitate co-existence between industries and nature conservation in Nordic offshore wind farms.
Preliminary results will be presented at a meeting of Nordic energy ministers in 2022. Nordic Energy Research acts as the contracting partner on behalf of the Nordic Council of Ministers.