The first ship has set sail! Flex4RES underway
The highly motivated crew of the Flex4RES Nordic Flagship Project set sails on the 12-13th of November 2015, with an official kick-off meeting at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU)…
The highly motivated crew of the Flex4RES Nordic Flagship Project set sails on the 12-13th of November 2015, with an official kick-off meeting at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU), Lyngby. The Nordic-Baltic crew is 24 members strong, and has set a clear and ambitious course for the next 4 years ahead.

The Nordic-Baltic crew on the maiden voyage of Flex4RES, with two passengers from Nordic Energy Research on the right
Flex4Res (Flexibility for Variable Renewable Energy Integration in the Nordic Energy Systems) is one of the three new Nordic Flagship Projects in Nordic Energy Research’s new research funding programme. The Flex4RES captain and project manager, Klaus Skytte of DTU, leads the crew from Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Estonia, and Latvia.

Project leader Klaus Skytte, Head of Energy Economics and Regulation, Systems Analysis Division, DTU Management Engineering
Already from the start, they displayed great team spirit and a clear drive to make a difference with the Flex4RES project. They will assess how to integrate and consolidate different energy markets to make a solid base to anchor resilient, sustainable, cost-efficient and coherent Nordic energy systems in 2050. In order to do this, they must find a path through the maze of regulatory and technical differences in the participating countries. There is a clear ambition to reach policy makers and set the course in direction of coherent policy and regulatory frameworks. This can facilitate the integration of variable renewable energy (VRE) sources into the current Nordic Energy market. Nordic Energy Research wishes them Bon Voyage!
Project partners
DTU, Management Engineering, Systems Analysis, Denmark; Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU), Institute for Ecology and Natural Resource Management; Norway; KTH, Electric Power Systems, Sweden; Aalto University, Applied Physics/New energy technologies, Finland; Riga Technical University, Energy Systems & Environment, Latvia; DTU, Wind Energy, Denmark; RAM-løse edb, Hans Ravn/Balmorel.com, Denmark; Nordic Institute for Studies in Innovation, Research and Education (NIFU), Norway; Stockholm School of Economics, Sweden; and Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia
Project leader Klaus Skytte, klsk@dtu.dk
Senior Adviser, Nordic Energy Research:
Torill Meistad, Torill.Meistad@nordicenergy.org
Senior Adviser, Nordic Energy Research:
Karina Barnholt Klepper, Karina.Klepper@nordicenergy.org
Read more: https://www.nordicenergy.org/articles/three-flagship-projects/