Two courses about energy-related fire safety
Due to covid-19, The Nordic Fire and Safety Network on Energy (NFSNergy) offers a digital autumn school consisting of two courses instead of the annual summer school. The first course…
Due to covid-19, The Nordic Fire and Safety Network on Energy (NFSNergy) offers a digital autumn school consisting of two courses instead of the annual summer school. The first course focuses on buildings and transportation and the second course is about fire, safety and society.

The NFSNergy is a part of the Nordic or Nordic-Baltic PhD and Researcher Mobility Programme funded by Nordic Energy Research. The network is organised by Nordic universities and research institutes dealing with fire safety and risk management. NFSNergy aims at increasing the network and exchange of PhD students, researchers, and professionals in the field of safety of buildings and energy infrastructures.
Nordic network
One activity in the project is to run summer schools and bring together interdisciplinary teams working on important energy-related initiatives.
Such initiatives include:
● promoting the fire safety of new bioenergy systems
● energy storage systems in green buildings
● improved digitalization through building information models in construction
● the fire safety of new energy carriers in green transport systems
The project gives PhD students the possibility to be part of this Nordic network. It enables contact with PhD students from the Nordic countries, and access to the latest research activities in the field through the summer schools and workshops. Through them, the students can extend their understanding of the energy-related fire safety research beyond each person’s and group’s own topics.
Further information about dates, registration, contact information etc., please see below.
Digital autumn school
Dates: Week 38–40: Online lecture on storytelling. Week 40: Monday 4.10 – Wednesday 6.10 Lectures and project work. Week 47: Monday 22.11 Student presentation.
Place: Zoom
Programme: The programme can be found on the NFSN website www.nfsn.dk
Registration: PhD students can register through the NFSN website www.nfsn.dk. Others please use: https://www.conferencemanager.dk/nfsn21
Fees: The course is free for PhD students from the Nordic countries. Others, please visit https://www.conferencemanager.dk/nfsn21 or contact anne.dederichs@ri.se
Contact: Anne Steen Hansen, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, anne.steen-hansen@ntnu.no, and Margaret McNamee, Lund University, margaret.mcnamee@brand.lth.se