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The Nordic Clean Energy Scenarios project was launched at a digital launch event on Tuesday, September 7. The event was opened by Klaus Skytte, CEO at Nordic Energy Research. The opening session was…

The Nordic Clean Energy Scenarios project was launched at a digital launch event on Tuesday, September 7. The event was opened by Klaus Skytte, CEO at Nordic Energy Research. The opening session was followed by Kevin Johnsen, Senior Adviser at Nordic Energy Research, who gave an introduction to the what Nordic Clean Energy Scenario is, and why Nordic Energy Research started this project.

Watch the full launch event here:

After the introduction, Markus Wråke, CEO at Energiforsk and Kenneth Karlsson, Senior Project Manager at IVL, presented the concept of “The five solution tracks”: 1) Direct Electrification, 2) Power-to-X, 3) Bioenergy, 4) CCS, and 5) Acceptance/Behaviour
The key findings including implications were discussed by an expert panel consisting of: Birte Holst Jørgensen, Senior Researcher DTU; Oras Tynkkynen, Senior Advisor SITRA; Mona Jacobsen Mølnvik, Research Director, SINTEF.  

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