Energy research in Denmark is organised under several ministries and institutions. The Danish Energy Agency funds two research programmes with significant demonstration activities, GreenLabs DK and EUDP. EUDP focuses on new energy technologies, but also allocates special funds for hydrogen, solar and energy efficient transport. GreenLabs DK comprises nine large-scale demo-facilities for new climate technologies.
The Danish System Operator, Energinet.dk, funds energy research through national grid tariffs. Although ForskEl & ForskVE both focus on renewable energy production & distribution, ForskVE has a stronger focus on technologies close to commercialisation.
Under the Ministry of Science, Innovation & Higher Education are the Council for Strategic Research and the National Research Foundation. Both fund basic and applied research , and fund energy-themed collaborations with China. The Advanced Technology Foundation funds strategic research projects, where universities and companies match the funding granted by the Danish Government. The Danish Energy Association, a research programme entitled ELFORSK.
Funds for energy research in Denmark are allocated via a range of institutions covering the entire innovation chain. Denmark spends 3 % of GDP for public RD&D programmes, with a recent surge in energy funds by 65 %.
Further information:
– Institutional structure of energy RD&D in Denmark
– Public funding for clean energy RD&D in Denmark
Notes: Circle-size represents average annual funding for each programme in millions of Euro. Hollow circles indicate the inclusion of funding not within clean energy topics. Clean energy refers to energy technologies that facilitate the transition to a more sustainable energy system.