The Networking Group on Carbon Capture, Use and Storage (NgCCUS) was established in 2019 by the Nordic Committee of Senior Officials for Energy Policies (EK-E) and consists of representatives from the Nordic and Baltic countries’ ministries. The group has a new triennial mandate 2022–2024.

NgCCUS meets twice a year (spring and fall) and aims to:

  • Promote information exchange and cooperation on decarbonisation, with focus on CCUS developments and relevant policies.
  • Stimulate creation and dissemination of new knowledge in the field of CCUS.
  • Facilitate dialogue on CCUS related policy issues and assess joint actions in relation to EU/EEA processes.
  • Facilitate dialogue on CCUS related strategies and consider how Nordic, Baltic and EU strategies can play together and reinforce each other.
  • Prepare proposals for the Nordic Committee of Senior Officials for Energy Policies (EK-E) and assist the formal Nordic collaboration within the framework of the Nordic Council of Ministers.

NgCCUS also acts as the advisory board to the annual Baltic Carbon Forum, which is hosted by the BASRECCS network. Nordic Energy Research is the appointed secretariat of NgCCUS and supports the group in their work.

Visit the official webpage of NgCCUS here.