Join the Nordic Energy Challenge 2021
In 2021 the Nordic Energy Challenge focuses on sustainable transport. Nordic Energy Research invites energy stakeholders - including companies, researchers, non-profit organizations, think-tanks, students and individuals - to participate with…
In 2021 the Nordic Energy Challenge focuses on sustainable transport. Nordic Energy Research invites energy stakeholders – including companies, researchers, non-profit organizations, think-tanks, students and individuals – to participate with innovative solutions to sustainable transport in this year’s challenge.
Click here and read more about how to participate in the Nordic Energy Challenge 2021.
Transport is the sector that requires the largest emissions reductions for the Nordic region to achieve carbon neutrality. It is also considered one of the most difficult sectors to decarbonize, due to e.g. the need for alternative fuels, efficient integration of energy systems, new infrastructure and modal shifts in transport, as well as coherent policies to combine these elements.
Simultaneously, an array of barriers must be overcome regarding legal and regulatory aspects, safety and social acceptance, as well as structural challenges related to finance, procurement and market development that affect large-scale deployment of sustainable solutions.
Nordic Energy Research aims to promote innovative research, new ideas and interesting perspectives on sustainable transport which, in turn, can bring added value to the Nordic region.
With this goal in mind Nordic Energy Research invites innovative ideas to participate in the Nordic Energy Challenge 2021 focusing on solutions to sustainable transport.
Submit an abstract of you proposal by the 19th of April, at the latest – and help create Nordic added value.
Click here and read more about how to participate in the Nordic Energy Challenge 2021.