NEOs WP3 seminar: Energy efficiency and conservation
Nordic Energy Research hereby invites you to the seminar Energy efficiency and conservation. The seminar is part of the third workpackage within the Nordic Energy Outlooks programme (NEOs). The seminar…
Nordic Energy Research hereby invites you to the seminar Energy efficiency and conservation. The seminar is part of the third workpackage within the Nordic Energy Outlooks programme (NEOs).
The seminar will be held on 27 February, at 09.00–15.00 (CET), at IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute, on Aschebergsgatan 44 (4th floor) in Gothenburg.

Speakers from IVL, SINTEF, IFE Institute for Energy Technology, KTH Royal Institute of Technology and the Danish Energy Agency will present results from the NEOs programme, focusing on the following themes:
- How will the cost-effective reuse of excess heat reduce the energy intensity on a national level?
- How can different energy efficiency and conservation measures be included in industry and buildings?
- How large is the techno-economic potential of energy-efficiency and conservation measures in building sector?
- How can existing energy system models be improved to assess the role and potentials of Energy and Conservation and Material Efficiency in the Nordic context?
To register, please send an e-mail to Siri Mathisen siri.mathisen@sintef.no by 16 February, where you notify:
- That you want to attend to the physical event
- If you will attend at the lunch
- Any food allergies or requests (e.g., vegetarian)
There is no conference fee, but the maximum number of participants is 20. Please await a confirmation before ordering non-flexible tickets. We will stream the event (as a Teams meeting) in a listen-only setup. Please send a notification to Siri if you want to attend digitally.
You are welcome to forward invitation to others who may be interested!
Previous NEOs reports
Final report WP1: Bioenergy and links to agriculture & LULUCF in a Nordic context
Final report WP2: Increased electrification – new electricity generators and consumers