About WP2: Increased electrification – new electricity generators and consumers
Increased electrification – new electricity generators and consumers is the second work package (WP2) out of four within the programme Nordic Energy Outlooks (NEOs). The project runs from March 2022…
Increased electrification – new electricity generators and consumers is the second work package (WP2) out of four within the programme Nordic Energy Outlooks (NEOs). The project runs from March 2022 to August 2022 with a funding of 2 million NOK.

In WP2, ways to implement increased electrification from new electricity generators and consumers (offshore wind, PV, P2X, CC(U)S, EVs, new industrial processes such as hydrogen-based steel production, data centers, flexible heat-pumps and electric boilers, smart appliances, etc.) are explored and described, along with changes to the transmission grid, the distribution grid and storage in energy system analysis. How do different methods and assumptions affect the results? What consequences will these new trends have for the energy system (changes to different demands and emissions)? WP2 also analyzes and assesses various measures, and policies for introducing these new generators and consumers, and how to ensure a reliable and efficient grid in the Nordic countries.
In August 2022, the final report of WP2 was published. Among the addressed topics are electrification of the build environment and heavy industry in the Nordic countries, impact of the European energy crisis on the Norwegian energy transition, societal challenges and implications of increased electrification and a system toolchain for energy system modelling including transport model and power system model.
Participating institutions
- IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute
- Institute for Energy Technology
- SINTEF Energy
- University of Oslo
Read more about the structure of Nordic Energy Outlooks (NEOs) here.
Read more about WP1–4 in the NEOs call here.